With this project we want to put special emphasis on looking into the lack of residential spaces within the independent cultural infrastructure, arguing that we need to move forward from having to “make do” with limited resources that are at our disposal and work towards advocating for a structural shift in understanding that residential spaces need to be an integral part of cultural infrastructure. Artists are our key partner in this. 

Artists as a group are integral as a consideration when talking about residencies in culture and art. However, very often, they are not part of the conversations around spaces if they are not themselves workers in that space, sometimes even if they are frequent users of the space for their work. This is why artists are also integral to the concept of this project. The goal is to include artists as a group in all phases of the project, not just as consultants, but as key actors who offer perspectives on how independent spaces can sustainably support and develop residency programmes, and as creative outof-the-box thinkers, who can interpret the work of independent spaces in new and exciting ways. They not only provide insights through research in, but also, their involvement is key in research residencies in, as they will assist in developing innovative new practices in residencies with independent spaces.

In this way, artists can help design residency concepts to their needs, while also supporting independent spaces in offering them the opportunities for mobility, networking, new experiences and new skills that all artists need for their work. Through the involvement of artists, the project also supports the international circulation of art, works, knowledge, etc.